Kystverket | KystInn

Apply for new nautical installation

In order to set up, remove, move, change or cover up both waterway signs or navigation installations, one must ask for permission from Kystverket.

Who can apply?

Municipalities, companies and associations can apply for waterway signs or navigation installations. To apply on behalf of others you need power of attorney.

Processing of personal data

We request personal information such as name, phone number, and email address. This is information we need to exercise public authority. Our legal basis for processing this information is based on Article 6(1)(e) and (3)(b) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and provisions given in and pursuant to the Port and Waterways Act, including Section 10 and regulations, and waterway signs and navigation installations.

Other languages

Norsk Bokmål


Postboks 1502, 6025 ÅLESUND
Central office: 07847

Organisasjonsnummer: 874783242
© Kystverket